Kohinoor Diamond History


    Kohinoor is a large,colourless diamond that was found near Guntur District in Andhra Pradesh state of India in 13th century.It weighed 793 Carats and was first owned by kakatiya dynasty.The stone was taken before ending up in the possession of "Queen Victoria" after the british conquest of 1849.

As referring to history it is widely believed that had come from "Kollur Mine" in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh,during the reign of kakatiya dynasty in 13th century in the Bhadrakali Temple. 


 During 14th century "Alauddin Khalji,second ruler of the Turkic Khalji Dynasty of Delhi sultanate and his army began looting the kingdoms of Southern India.The Khalji dynasty acquired the diamond.

                 Later the possession of babur,a warlord,who invaded india and established the mughal empire in 1526.He called stone "Diamond of Babur".


 Shah Jahan is the fifth Mughal Emperor.He had the stone placed into his Ornate Peacock Throne.In 1658,his son and successor,Aurangazeb,confined the ailing emperor at nearby Agra fort.

Nader shah invaded Delhi in 1739,he is the King of Persia.He looted Mughal Empire with his army.He carried the peacock throne as well as he got the stone.He allegedly Exclaimed Kohinoor.Kohinoor means "Mountain of Light".The stone got its name as Kohinoor.

                   The first valuation of the kohinoor is given in the legend that one of the Nader shah's consorts apparently said that "If a strong man throws Four stones,one on north side,one south,one east,one on west side and fifth stone into the air and if the space is filled with Gold,all would not be equal to the value of the Kohinoor.

After the collapse of Nader shah's empire,the stone changes into several hands.Finally Maharaja Ranjit singh,Sikh Empire in Lahore, placed the diamond in the jagannath temple in puri, Orissa state.after his death,the britishers concluded the second Anglo Sikh war,the kingdom of punjab formally annexed to British India and last treaty of Lahore was signed.The kohinoor was surrended to British East India Company.

                    On 1st february 1850,the jewel was sealed and packed in a red ribbon box for the Queen Victoria by the gift of East India Company.Due to climatic conditions the jewel was arrived in britan on June 29.The Kohinoor was formally Presented to Queen victoria on 3rd July at Buckingham Palace by the chairman of East India Company.


     On 17 July 1852, The diamond was re-cut by the order of prince Albert,the husband of queen victoria,unhappy with its dull and irregular appearance.The diamond was cut down from 186 carats (approximately 37.2grams).After cutting the diamond weighed as 105.6 carats (approx. 21.12grams) and measurements of kohinoor is 3.6cm X 3.2cm X 1.3cm.


      After Queen's death the kohinoor is set in the crown of Alexandra,the wife of Edward VII in 1902.After that it is transferred to Queen Mary's crown in 1911 and finally Queen Mother's crown in 1937.The queen mother died in 2002.As the diamond history involves a great deal of fighting between men,the kohinoor got a strong reputation,within the british royal family for bringing bad luck to any man who wears it.Since arrving in the country,it has only been worn by female Members of the royal family.

                     All those crowns are on display in jewel house at the tower of London.

                     The Government of India demanded the return of the Koh-i-Noor as soon as independence was granted in 1947. A second request followed in 1953, the year of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Each time, the British government rejected the claims,saying that ownership is negotiable.




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